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We are so excited to share our VLOG, where we dive into important topics around mental health, wellness and of course relationships. You will recieve everything from mental health stratigies, practical tips, and expert insights. These videos are designed to empower you on your journey to better mental health.
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Parenting doesn't stop when children grow up, but they challenges evolve and sometimes bring stress. Whether the stress is due to their choices, financial dependency , or strained relationships, adult children can impact your emotional well-being.
They are their young adults. If you know that you have done all that you knew to do, and they continue to make decisions that are not in their best interest. You have to let them be an adult. You must prioritize your health and your happiness. Set boundaries, seek support and yes-it is ok to focus on you. This will equip you to maintain health relationships while protecting your peace.
Taking care of you is not selfish-it is essential.
When your child comes home from college, it can be bittersweet and for some heartbreaking when you realize that they do not need you in the same ways that they did just a few short months ago. They are becoming independent and creating new norms for themselves. Yes, that means that you have done your job but it can leave parents wondering about their role.
You too are transitioning. You are now a supporter and a confident to the young adult that you raised. This is a time for you to focus on yourself-your hobbies, your needs. Reconnect with old friends and discover who you are in this new phase of your life.
Congratulations! You have raised an independent adult.